Famous sport journalist and comentator
Arkady Galinsky
His name will always be associated with the creation of Rushball
The great football trainer, the first who game a good mark to Rushball
Konstantin Beskov
Beskova Valeria and Sergey Makarov
from left to right: Sodpursk football Federation department chairman
of Kalkuta - Sankar Ghosh, Vladimir Makarov
and the football ex-referee Nirmal Roy
The direcotr of SK "Rushball"
Natalia Glushenko
Rushball judges Sergey Makarov and Anatoly Pchelintsev
Sport journalist Vladimir Boldirev
His work made seagull the symbol of Rushball

Balakerskaya Galina
Rushball friends, the leaders of «Ekipazh» driving school
Наталья и Евгений Воронцовы
«Sportvnaya gazeta» newspaper editor, who made the first publication about Rushball
Svetlana Malikova